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The copper Waniguchi

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S44. November 21st. City Cultural Property Sakai, Obama city Chogenji Nichiren sect

This Waniguchi's diameter is 28.5cm, 9.5m thick and 5kg and a precious thing in this prefecture for its size and oldness, made in Enbun 5(1360).

This temple was founded by Nichigen Jyonin in Muromachi period and used to located on the foot of Nochise mountains, but it moved here because Motomichi Takeda would build the castle in Daiei 2(1522) and renamed its second name as Mukoujimayama.

According to "Obama Choshi Genko"in Taisho 4(1915), it tells that:
There are 30th shrine in the precincts of the temple and a Rido in west, Roukaku was built during Teikyo era and has statues of Kongorikishi and Jyurokusonjya on top floor. There used to be 17 buildings, but there are now only 4 buildings. There is a mandala of Nichiren Jyonin, Zei made with Chinese bamboo, something which used to belong to the Tenchi emperor called Akikazemaru. It says that the temple used to have 17 buildings, thus, this copper Waniguchi should have used in Enkakuji, the one of 17 buildings.

According to "Jyakusyukannaisyajiyuisyokibensyajijyuumotsuki", it tells that:
When Nichiren Jyonin visited this province in Koureki 2(1380), he met a woman priest, Shogo. She brought him to Obama and gave a lecture and many people came. Since then, she built a temple and named Chogenji.