Genpou Syutan was the Zen priest from China. This is the only handwriting. It is 21.1cm long and 57.2cm wide.
Chintei Jyukai Zen priest who received this letter was born in Toutoumi
province and studied under Jinsen bonsen. He went to China with his kindred
spirits and studied under Kukai. He also visited to many famous temple
and came back to Japan in Ouan 6(1373). He stayed in China for 20 years.
This writing is given from Syutan to him. One year after he went back to
Japan, Yoshimitsu Ashikaga embraced him and he entered Shinnyoji in Kyoto,
Jyouchiji in Kamakura, Enkakuji, Tenryuji and Nanzenji. He became the 46th
generation of Nanzenji. He died in Ouei 8(1401) at the age of 84. He also
became the founder of Seikouji in Maiduru city and also the founder of